Hal en Sidra Stone were my teachers in this very interesting and highly effective way of working with oneself and others
"Know Thy Selves"
If you learn how to look at yourself as a collection of sub-personalities, each with their own ideas, feelings and motivations you have to handle a seemingly irreconcilable forces within yourself to explore and exploit.
- You long for a moment of rest, but have nothing but there is always something yet to be done.
- You know you do too much and still say 'yes' to the next job.
- You take for you to remain calm an awkward conversation, but when the time comes you are still a lot more emotional than you had planned.
- This time you go to really tell it like it is, but before you know it is over now and let you down again.
- You know that things have not as perfect, but you have the plague that it could have been better.
Voice Dialogue allows you to experience all these different aspects of yourself (subpersonalities). By recognizing them you can learn what drives them, why they pop up at moments that you might prefer something else. Through that you will learn to "manage " yourself and to make a better use of your qualities.
The important lesson is: There is value in everything that manifests itself within you. By learning to appreciate that, you will discover qualities you maybe never dreamed of .
Woring with voice dialogue gives you more choices in life; it broadens your possibilities in communication with yourself and others.
If you are interested or if you have any questions mail to Momentum