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Berenda coaches and trains people for almost 30 years out profit and non profit organizations and individual clients.

Since 1997 she works mainly freelance in the Netherlands. For years she led training and coaching programs in Norway and Australia.

Berenda has specialized in training in the areas of leadership, change, empowerment and communication. She also trains and coaches professional trainers and coaches.

Group dynamics, intra-and interpersonal processes are central to her work.

If you are interested or if you have any questions mail to Momentum

Berenda Dekkers

Berenda Dekkers
Sociaal Psycholoog/Trainer

Mansholt-Nes 10
1862 AD Bergen
The Netherlands

Phone : +31 725815897
Mobile : +31 629096976

Email: info@momentumnl.com

"Als je met beide benen op de grond staat kom je geen stap verder" (loesje)

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